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Running a speed test is a great first step in troubleshooting issues with your internet. 
Here are two easy ways to run a speed test.

If you have KanOkla’s Managed Network, using the KanOkla Networks Managed Network follow these steps on your mobile device:

  1. From the dashboard, tap the My Network tab at the top of the home screen.

  2. From this screen you can access:

  3. A list of routers that exist in the network, links to Equipment, Services, Usage, and Connection Type for these routers (Wireless or Ethernet).

  4. Under networks, tap your router name.

  5. Then tap Bandwidth Test and then choose Run Bandwidth Test.

  6. Note: The bandwidth test icon moves while the test is in progress.

  7. Pop-up messages appear when each piece of equipment has completed the test with upload and download speed results


Upon completion of the test, results for all equipment in this network are displayed.

  • Download Speed

  • Upload Speed

  • Ping Speed

  • Graphical depiction of the last 4 speed tests executed.

  • Additional Notes

If you do not have KanOkla’s Managed Network:

To have the most accurate speed results, connect your computer directly to your home router using an ethernet cable.


Once you are directly connected to your router, continue with the speed test.


If you do not have a computer and/or an ethernet cable, we would first recommend disconnecting as many devices as possible before running the test.  Every phone, gaming system, tablet, smart t.v., and smart home device connected to your home network impact this could have on your bandwidth. Some of these can impact your network even when they are not currently being used.

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